Diet & Health

Do Probiotics Work – What Are They Actually?

We all know that probiotics are the living bacteria in our gut. They are a special category of bacteria that have a positive effect on the human body. On average, a normal human body has nearly 100 trillion bacteria, both good and bad. Out of these trillions of bacterial cells, probiotics are present in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Some stores sell these so-called probiotics as a cure for a wide range of disorders. Not only for humans, these products are incorporated into pet foods too. The question arises, do probiotics work? Are they really needed for our body? What are they actually?

do probiotics work

“All diseases begin in the Gut” – Hippocrates

The friendly bacteria in our gut defend from many diseases. They contribute a lot in digestion, immunity, mood disorders and much more. A study proved that yogurt consumers are healthier than other individuals. It is attributed to the fact that yogurt contains probiotics in large quantities. Another study on fewer individuals suffering from gut disorders has shown great improvement after administration of probiotics in clinical trials. Their stool analysis showed more friendly bacteria. There is ample amount of data and scientific research that point towards the positive effect of probiotics on health. But why do the question ‘do probiotics work’ still remain unanswered? It is because there is no evidence that these friendly bacteria have any effect on a healthy individual.

There is no evidence to support the health benefits of probiotics on a person with normal digestive activities. Some gastroenterologists suggest refraining from using probiotics if you are healthy or normal. But there is an exponential growth in the companies that market these supplements as well as the consumers. From few thousands to millions. The global probiotics market share was 3.3 billion USD in 2015, 35.9 billion USD in 2016. It is estimated to reach 66.4 billion USD by 2024. Does this global market bloom answer our question, do probiotics work? I would say NO.

The increase in the global market is a pure hype. It is due to increased popularity by research community and users. Added to this, the manufacturers of these so-called probiotic supplements. Most of the manufacturers will give these supplements with a single strain of microbes. Note that healthy bacteria present in our gut is comprised of multiple strains which co-exist with each other. There comes another question, is it wise to take multiple pills which contain different strains? Again the answer is NO.

A case study about the types of strains present in these probiotic supplements has proved that these pills contain a single strain of friendly bacteria. But the fermented foods such as yogurt, kombucha tea contain diverse strains. The diversification is what exactly a ‘probiotic’ is. It is not a single strain or a group of bacteria when consumed show miracles.

Who Will Benefit From Probiotics?

Now that we know that these probiotics will not show any difference in healthy individual, why the market is still blooming? It is because they have a very good positive effect on individuals who are suffering different medical disorders such as IBM (irritable bowel syndrome), Crohn’s disease, diarrhoea, diabetes, mood disorders etc. Prolonged antibiotic use in certain conditions will alter your gut bacteria. The population of normal levels of friendly bacteria will get depleted resulting in improper digestion and diarrhoea. This may also result in opportunistic infection by other harmful bacteria. Probiotic use in such situations improved the condition and is proved clinically. Probiotics will also help the patients with diabetes, autoimmune disorders, mood disorders and skin disorders.

The choice for probiotics must be diverse. Consuming naturally fermented foods which contain higher and diversified group of bacteria is always recommended. Some special conditions such as Crohn’s disease may require additional supplements also. You will not see the results immediately after consuming these friendly bacteria-laden foods or supplements. Quick and excess consumption may also lead to drastic effects. It will take time for these bacteria to colonise and establish themselves with the gut environment. Later their effects will be seen.

So, do probiotics work?

Yes, but the effects are seen in people with certain medical disorders. A healthy individual might not find any difference, but it is always a good practice to consume fermented foods which contain friendly bacteria. They fend off the harmful bacteria and contribute towards a better health.

Final words, Wrapping Up

Probiotics show a very good positive effect if you are suffering from a certain medical condition. If you are a normal healthy individual, you may not see much difference. But it is always good to consume a diet which contains diverse strains of friendly bacteria. They are always helpful irrespective of your condition.

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